Stuff to read after After Hours Monday, 03 April 2017 13:53:18 CDT David-Braverman Chicago, General, Geography, Personal, Politics, Work (0) Now that we're four days from Apollo After Hours, of which I'm the committee chair, and given that I still have work to do at work, the articles I need to catch up on keep piling up: WaPo columnist Greg Sargent points out that President Trump is flailing simply because Americans hate his agenda. It's not rocket surgery. Meanwhile, 538 points out that there are six pretty big blocs arrayed against Trump, any one of which would be a formidable challenge to a competent person. Via CityLab, a precinct-level map of the 2016 election, which is really really cool. TPM points to New York Times writer Noam Scheiber's explanation of how Uber uses psychological tricks to game its drivers to show why we need a stronger safety net for workers. (This might be why Trump is flailing; see above.) Deeply Trivial is doing the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge this month, starting with Alpha (Type 1 errors) and Beta (Type 2 errors). Good stuff. Closer to home, the Tribune has a story on the rebuilding and renovation of the Wilson Avenue El stop. OK, back to the mines...