The Daily Parker

Politics, Weather, Photography, and the Dog

Raleigh, N.C., sunrise chart for 2010

Since I'm spending so much time here, I thought I should do a Raleigh sunrise chart to complement the one for Chicago. (You can get one for your own location at

An interesting note about 2010: the sunset on November 6th will be the latest sunrise for most places in the U.S. (7:43 am in Raliegh) until 2021.

Date Significance Sunrise Sunset Daylight
6 Jan Latest sunrise until Mar. 14th 07:26 17:17 9:50
20 Jan 5:30pm sunset 07:23 17:30 10:07
17 Feb 7am sunrise 07:00 17:59 10:59
18 Feb 6pm sunset 06:59 18:00 11:00
12 Mar 6:30am sunrise 06:30 18:20 11:49
13 Mar Earliest sunrise until Apr. 26th
Earliest sunset until Oct. 31st
06:29 18:21 11:52
14 Mar Daylight savings time begins
Latest sunrise until Oct. 22nd
Earliest sunset until Sept. 16th
07:28 19:22 11:54
17 Mar 12-hour day 07:24 19:25 12:01
20 Mar Equinox 13:32 EDT 07:19 19:27 12:08
23 Mar 7:30pm sunset 07:15 19:30 12:15
3 Apr 7am sunrise 06:59 19:39 12:40
25 Apr 6:30am sunrise 06:30 19:57 13:27
28 Apr 8pm sunset 06:27 20:00 13:33
3 Jun 6am sunrise 06:00 20:27 14:27
7 Jun 8:30pm sunset 05:59 20:30 14:31
12 Jun Earliest sunrise of the year 05:58 20:33 14:34
21 Jun Solstice 07:28 EDT 05:59 20:35 14:35
24 Jun 6am sunrise 06:00 20:35 14:35
28 Jun Latest sunset of the year 06:01 20:36 14:34
19 Jul 8:30pm sunset 06:13 20:30 14:16
10 Aug 6:30am sunrise 06:30 20:11 13:39
20 Aug 8pm sunset 06:38 20:00 13:21
10 Sep 7:30pm sunset 06:54 19:30 12:36
18 Sep 7am sunrise 07:00 19:18 12:18
22 Sep Equinox, 23:09 EDT 07:03 19:13 12:10
26 Sep 12-hour day 07:07 19:07 12:00
1 Oct 7pm sunset 07:10 18:59 11:48
23 Oct 6:30pm sunset 07:29 18:30 11:00
24 Oct 7:30am sunrise 07:30 18:29 10:58
6 Nov Latest sunrise until 6 Nov 2021
Latest sunset until Mar 7th
07:43 18:15 10:32
7 Nov Standard time returns
Earliest sunrise until Mar 3rd
06:44 17:14 10:30
23 Nov 7am sunrise 07:00 17:04 10:04
5 Dec Earliest sunset of the year 07:11 17:02 9:51
21 Dec Solstice, 18:38 EST 07:22 17:05 9:43

You can get sunrise information for your location at

American exceptionalism

Once again, a major American newspaper has reported on something as universal fact, but that only makes sense in the U.S.:

The day is a palindromic date: 01-02-2010, meaning the number can be read the same way in either direction.

There will be 12 palindromic days this century, [Aziz Inan, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Portland in Oregon,] said, and Saturday is the second. The first was 10-02-2001. (To check out his complete list:

Well, only here. Almost everywhere else in the world, people use different formats for dates. In Europe, for example, today is 2/1/10; the next "palindrome" date is February 1st (01-02-2010), and the last was 10 February 2001 (10-02-2001).

Except maybe not. Most people don't customarily use leading zeroes when writing dates. That makes today 2/1/10 most places, and means the next "palindrome" really won't be until 1/1/11. Or 11/1/11. Or 11/11/11. (20-11-2011? What manner of numerical silliness will that date cause people?)

Don't even get me started on International System measurements and American exceptionalism[1]. But it's the same idea.

In his defense, Prof. Inan isn't serious (and neither am I): "Despite Inan's excitement, he dismisses the notion that mysticism and magic lie behind such dates. He doesn't, for example, fear Dec. 21, 2012, the date the Mayan "Long Count" calendar marks the end of a 5,126-year era. Some folks think the date portends a revolution or an apocalypse. Jan. 2, 2010, and Dec. 21, 2012, he said, just happen to be really cool dates."

[1] There are 310 million people in the U.S. of 6.5 billion worldwide—we're 1/19th of the world population—and the only country including England who still use the English system of measurements.