The Daily Parker

Politics, Weather, Photography, and the Dog

A learning experience in how not to teach

Oh. My. God. Via Talking Points Memo:

Staff members of an elementary school [in Murfeesboro, Tenn.,] staged a fictitious gun attack on students during a class trip, telling them it was not a drill as the children cried and hid under tables.
During the last night of the trip, staff members convinced the 69 students that there was a gunman on the loose. They were told to lie on the floor or hide underneath tables and stay quiet. A teacher, disguised in a hooded sweat shirt, even pulled on a locked door.

More here.

When outsourcing goes too far

I don't know whether this is sad or funny:

The new frontrunner for "worst idea in modern journalism" has to go James Macpherson, editor and publisher of the two-year-old site, who recently ran this job posting: "We seek a newspaper journalist based in India to report on the city government and political scene of Pasadena, California, USA."

Still growing, apparently

Back in March, I said that Parker seemed to have reached his adult weight (22 kg). Apparently not. He did lose almost two kilos in April during the "bad butt" incident, but since then he's filled out a little, to 24 kg:

So how big will he get? I mean, before I put him on low-calorie food?

Today's Daily Parker

Just for giggles I took a few photos of Parker as he complained about me going to work this morning. It's easy, by the way, to get him to stop complaining: a frozen, peanut-butter filled Kong works fine. Photo #1 shows him as he realized that I was getting ready to leave:

Photo #2 shows his dissatisfaction with this turn of events:

And yes, Virginia, there is a ParkerCam today (and tomorrow).

Today's Daily Parker

One more from yesterday: only this time, I think a caption is in order. Thoughts? How about, "Um...could you give me a push?"

No ParkerCam today or tomorrow. He's at day camp, so I have more time to finish my current project in West Kishinev.

Today's Daily Parker

Over the weekend, Parker and I played "bring it, give it, drop it" (aka "fetch") for hours. Occasionally—and this is why I'm not even good enough for the Cubs—the ball somehow wound up in the next yard. Fortunately Parker didn't, but not for lack of trying:

Calmest pigeon in Chicago

Parker and I saw this dude hopping in the brush next to a parking lot. By "saw," I mean Parker got close enough to give him a good sniff (but not close enough to chomp on him), which elicited not more from the bird than a disdainful look and continued pecking at the ground. I think he's a fledgling, though I'm puzzled by his coloring and by the tag on his right leg. Any ideas?

Today's Daily Parker

I apologize to anyone who, like me, had Parker withdrawal today. He was at day camp, and I was in meetings all day, so not only am I late getting TDP out today but also there was no ParkerCam.

As a reward for your patience, I present two portraits of the holy terror himself: